When to Consult a Personal Injury Attorney

wilkes-barre personal injury lawyer caputo and mariotti

If you have an injury because of another person’s negligence or reckless behavior, you may wonder when to consult a personal injury attorney. A personal injury lawyer can provide invaluable guidance on how to move forward with your case and maximize your chances of success. There are several situations when it is especially beneficial to…

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Mistakes to Avoid When Estate Planning

personal injury claim and lawsuits

Estate planning can be complicated, and without a proper plan, carrying out your wishes may not go as planned. Even those who have taken the time to create an estate plan can still be prone to making mistakes. Knowing what pitfalls to avoid will help ensure a successful estate planning process. Here are some common…

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A Guide to Workers’ Compensation and How it Affects Your Job

A Guide to Workers' Compensation and How it Affects Your Job

Filing a workers’ compensation claim ensures you receive the care and assistance you need to recover after a workplace accident. However, many people are reluctant to file because they fear retaliation from their employers. Unfortunately, this fear is justified as some employers will find a reason to fire someone who has filed a claim, even…

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What Are Signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

When you place a loved one in a long-term facility, it can be heartbreaking to learn they’re being abused or neglected. Too often, nursing home abuse goes unnoticed or unreported, as many signs are easy to overlook. In fact, in 2020 alone, over 15,000 cases of nursing home neglect and abuse were reported. And unfortunately,…

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When Should You Bring a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

pittston birth injury lawyer

Bringing a birth injury lawsuit can be complex, and knowing when to file your claim is crucial. In general, most medical malpractice claims must be brought within two or three years of the injury or within two or three years of discovering the damage. However, each case is different, and the appropriate time to bring…

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What Wrongful Death Is and How It Differs from Malpractice

Difference Between Wrongful Death And Medical Malpractice

Understanding wrongful death cases and how they differ from medical malpractice can be confusing. For families who have lost someone due to medical negligence, wrongful death is one way in which they may seek financial compensation for their loss. However, wrongful death is a unique type of legal claim that is separate from medical malpractice.…

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