The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti
Dickson City Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer
With over decades of experience handling nursing home negligence lawsuits across Northeastern Pennsylvania, the Dickson City nursing home abuse lawyer at Caputo & Mariotti understands what your family must be going through. Seeing a loved one in pain at the hands of another person can cause sorrow, anger, and frustration.
That's why our practice is dedicated to fighting for those who have been injured by another person or organization's negligence. We will make sure you and your loved one are protected from further abuse and you get the compensation that you deserve.
What Is Considered Nursing Home Abuse?
Unfortunately, nursing home abuse can be found right here in our backyard. Just recently, a worker was charged with endangering the welfare of a care-dependent person after he was caught on video allegedly punching and slapping a 90-year-old resident in the head at St. Mary’s Villa in Elmhurst Township.
Not all abuse is as easily recognizable as physical abuse. Other forms of abuse include:
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is the most prevalent type of abuse reported by nursing home staff members. According to a recent World Health Organization study, nearly 1 out of 3 staff members have admitted to abusing residents emotionally with verbal abuse the most commonly reported type of mistreatment.
Emotional abuse can also refer to manipulation tactics by staff members. For example, staff members can persuade residents not to complain or speak to other residents about the abuse for fear of retribution, such as not receiving food or being bathed.
Signs of emotional abuse can include a change in personality, becoming withdrawn or experiencing mood swings, low self-esteem, anxiety, or reverting to childish behaviors such as sucking their thumb or biting people.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse refers to any form of unwanted sexual contact from another person. The WHO study had found that less than 2 percent of nursing home residents reported sexual abuse cases in 2020. Many of those targeted for sexual abuse were those residents who have disabilities or illnesses such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Sexual abuse is not always from a staff member. It can come from several parties such as other residents, family members, random strangers, or other visitors. Signs of sexual abuse include emotional or mental changes, physical discomfort, or unexplained diseases or infections such as an STD.
Financial Abuse/Exploitation
Financial abuse occurs when the person who is responsible for handling the resident’s finances exploits their position by misappropriating the resident’s funds or other assets. Examples include late or missed bill payments; cashing checks without consent from the resident; forcing signatures for access to accounts; or tricking the resident to change their will or power of attorney to the caretaker.
Residents are more likely to report financial abuse than any other form of abuse. According to the National Adult Protective Services Association, 1 in 20 older adults has indicated that they were the victim of financial abuse.
It is the legal responsibility of the assisted care facility to keep the resident safe from harm. Failure in responsibility can result in legal repercussions. Some common forms of nursing home neglect include failure to assist with personal hygiene; failure to provide medical treatment; refusing to address any health or safety hazards; and failure to acknowledge unsanitary conditions.
Signs of neglect can include poor hygiene, malnutrition, or receiving too much or not enough medication.
Proving Nursing Home Negligence
Many nursing home residents are reluctant to come forward and let their families know what’s happening to them. They are either too ashamed of the abuse or too afraid of what can happen if they did speak up.
Knowing this, it may be up to you to figure out what’s occurring and to report the abuse. Fortunately, there are a few telltale signs to watch out for, such as:
- Physical signs of abuse such as unexplained bruises, fractures, bleeding, or cuts.
- Bedsores on bed-bound residents
- Malnutrition or dehydration
- Changes in emotion or personality
- Physical discomfort
If your loved one is experiencing any of these signs, you should ask them what’s happening. Make sure you ask the person alone and in a safe place where they can be open without the fear of retribution. Keep an open mind when the resident tells their story and don’t dismiss what they have to say.
If your loved one refuses to speak or denies that abuse is happening, there are still ways you can try to figure out what’s going on. Speak with the nursing home staff or administration and ask if they know about what may be happening. Ask what they can do to help the situation and make sure the abuse ceases.
If the nursing home fails to respond to your requests or turns a blind eye to any abuse going on, you will need to report the abuse to the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging and then reach out to the Dickson City nursing home abuse lawyer at Caputo & Mariotti to learn your next steps.
Why Choose a Dickson City Nursing Home Lawyer At Caputo & Mariotti?
The Dickson City nursing home abuse attorneys at Caputo & Mariotti provide aggressive representation of our clients regardless of the case they are handling. We pride ourselves on the personal relationships the principals develop with each and every client.
We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you don't have to pay anything if we fail to get you the compensation that you deserve following an accident. With only two years to file your personal injury claim, your time may be running out. The sooner you call us, the quicker we can get to work, gathering and protecting evidence.
If you suspect or know that your loved one is experiencing abuse in a nursing home or long-term care facility in Dickson City or anywhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania, now is the time to act.
Personal injuries can cause permanent disabilities, financial losses, and a greatly reduced quality of life. Lawsuits cannot repair the harm you may have suffered, but they can help you obtain the financial losses you may have experienced following the accident. Settlement offers can pay for medical treatment, replaced lost income and property, and provide security for both you and your family for years to come.
Remember the insurance company is not there to make friends -- it is trying to get the lowest possible settlement available. Do not take the first settlement it offers.
If you or your loved one have been seriously injured, call Caputo & Mariotti's Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers at (570) 342-9999, or use our online contact form to contact us now for a FREE Consultation.