The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti
Hip Replacement Update
April 4, 2019
The dangers of metal on metal hip replacements have been under heavy scrutiny for the last several years, and for good reason. Several metal on metal hip replacement manufacturers have been analyzed carefully including:
- Johnson & Johnson/DePuy: Pinnacle metal on metal hip
- Johnson & Johnson/DePuy: ASR Total Hip Replacement and ASR Resurfacing System hip (recalled in August of 2010)
- Stryker: Rejuvenate and ABG II Stems (recalled in July of 2012)
- Zimmer: Durom Cup hip
- Wright: (a) Conserve, (b) Dunasty, (c) Lineage and (d) Profemur (femur fracture) hips
- Biomet: M2a and 38 Diameter hips
- Smith and Nephew: R3 Liners hips (recalled in June 2012)
Many patients who have received hip replacements from the above manufacturers have experienced similar problems. These issues include swelling, pain, and difficulty walking after their procedures. These symptoms can be perfectly normal immediately following a hip replacement, but if the issues persist it can be a sign of moderate to severe complications.
Metal on metal friction from the metal components moving together causes the metal to spread to the hip area in many patients with defective implants.
If you believe that you have been suffering from any complications due to a defective hip implant from one of the companies mentioned or from another company, please feel free to contact Caputo and Mariotti today so that we can review your case.