The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti
Mass Tort Cases
April 4, 2019
Caputo and Mariotti handle cases involving many individuals who have suffered harm caused by a singular source. To help with any confusion as to how mass tort cases work, please read on.
The cases handled by Caputo and Mariotti involve a manufacturer of medications and drugs, as well as manufacturers of medical devices. These cases are commonly referred to as “Mass Torts.” We’ve been privileged to represent those who have been harmed by either of these manufacturing industries throughout the years.
The public puts their faith and trust in the manufacturers and sellers of medications and medical devices. They rely on them for products that improve their health, and their overall wellbeing. Manufacturers owe these individuals a duty that the products they are using have been thoroughly tested and found to be both safe and effective. Individuals should be confident that the products have been tested and approved before being made available and marketed to physicians and the general public.
Unfortunately, however, some manufacturers have neglected to test their products properly before making them available, jeopardizing the lives and health of many innocent victims. Concerned only about profit and the manufacturer’s bottom line, many harmful products are released causing patients serious physical, mental, and emotional damage.
There are several unsafe medical devices currently available on the market today, which are irresponsibly being used for patient treatment. Many manufacturers choose to ignore the safety issues and flat out refuse to admit they even exist rather than trying to eliminate the problems.
If you feel you’ve been victimized by the negligence of either medication or drug manufacturers, contact Caputo and Mariotti today to set up a free consultation. We’re happy to answer any questions you have regarding Mass Tort cases and how to protect your rights.