The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti
November 6, 2022
Divorce and other family law matters sometimes involve child custody disputes. Understanding the main types of child custody and their distinctions is crucial.
There are several types of child custody. Which applies to your scenario depends on the particulars. Get understanding and guidance through a child custody lawyer at Caputo & Mariotti Law Offices.
Types Of Child Custody
Physical custody comes in two varieties: sole custody and joint custody. If you’re involved in a child custody dispute, you must comprehend what these phrases mean. Fear not; family attorneys at Caputo & Mariotti Law Offices can provide you with a basic outline of physical custody in Pennsylvania.
Joint Custody
The court favors granting both parents joint custody. Joint legal custody entails that both parents are equally involved in important choices. This includes choices about medicine, education, and religion. Beyond key choices, physical time spent with the child is also included in joint custody. In a joint physical custody arrangement, the child spends about equal amounts of time with each parent.
The child lives with both parents concurrently. This agreement supports the court’s goal of encouraging shared parenting. Equal time with both parents is in the child’s best interests. The court desires to promote a co-parenting atmosphere.
Sole Custody
The court may also consider sole custody. For all sides, this arrangement is less ideal. It indicates that one of the parents has been deemed unfit by the court. The judge has reasonable reasons for doubting a parent’s capacity for making decisions. If the youngster lives with this parent, he could be at risk. In a sole legal custody arrangement, only one parent has the power to decide on the child’s educational and medical needs. Though sleepovers could be allowed, the youngster resides in one residence.
Non-Custodial Parents’ Rights
Non-custodial parents are still entitled to contact with and access to their children even though one parent has sole physical and legal custody of the kid. The courts may provide the non-custodial parent limited visiting privileges, either at the house of the custodial parent or at a mutually agreed-upon site like a park or shopping center These meets are permitted if it is in the best interest of the child.
The custodial parent has a legal obligation to follow the court’s ruling if visiting privileges are granted to a non-custodial parent. This involves assisting with visitation and making sure the non-custodial parent and their kid have a good relationship. Divorce Lawyers in PA should be consulted if there is a problem with a non-custodial parent. A court may order adjustments to custody rights, such as losing exclusive custody, if a non-custodial parent’s visiting rights are attempted to be denied.
Contact Our Child Custody Lawyers in PA
The Pennsylvania custody attorneys at Caputo & Mariotti Law Offices are aware that a custody dispute may be upsetting for any family. Maintaining a relationship with your child is your primary objective. Our lawyers think that getting to know you and all the important elements of your situation will be the key to a successful resolution of your case. Once we have all the information, we will present it to the court to demonstrate that you are a caring and capable parent who deserves to spend the most time with your children possible.