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Vaping Lawsuit Update: Juul CEO Says, “Don’t Vape. Don’t Use Juul.”
October 14, 2019
In the past couple of months, lots of information has come out about just how dangerous vaping really is. Six people have died due to vaping related illnesses, more illnesses are being linked to vaping, and there’s an appetite to get justice in the form of a vaping lawsuit or other vaping legal action. This mounting pressure made the CEO of Juul Labs have to advise people to, “Don’t vape. Don’t use Juul.” When the CEO says not to use a product or service they want to sell, that sets off a red flag.
A Shocking Declaration by the CEO of Juul Labs
In an interview with Tony Dokoupil from CBS This Morning, Juul CEO Kevin Burns advised people to, “Don’t start using nicotine if you don’t have a preexisting relationship with nicotine. Don’t use the product. You’re not our target consumer.” Burns is correct. The mission statement of Juul states their goal is to help current smokers quit smoking. Therefore, by stating that it is okay for past and current tobacco users to vape, shouldn’t it be okay for everyone to vape?
Burns is trying to shift the blame onto nicotine with an answer like that. Yet, even if there is no nicotine in vape juice, studies have found cancer-causing toxins present in the urine after vaping. Just so we are all clear here, there are dangerous chemicals found in vaping. There are chemicals found to cause popcorn lung in vape juice. With this information known, wouldn’t this further damage the lungs? There is quite a bit of research which still needs to be done to get these answers.
Juul carries flavors such as mint, mango, creme, cucumber, fruit, tobacco-like flavors, and menthol. By offering flavor options, you can see how someone would be intrigued to try Juuling. You get desired flavors you’d want to taste vs. the off-putting taste of cigarette tobacco. This is one of the reasons studies have shown teens are more likely to vape due to flavor options. To be fair, with the 2009 ban on flavored cigarettes by the FDA, flavored tobacco options are limited nowadays. Vaping companies are sim
What the Vaping Lawsuit is Doing About This
In response to the vaping news coming out in recent months, it seems as if policymakers are ready to move. In spite of Juul lobbying politicians heavily trying to state their case, President Trump is still considering a ban on flavored e-cigarettes. For the most powerful office in the world to take a look at the evidence and make a conclusion about the effects of vaping, it speaks volumes about what is going on in the industry.
Even with all of the current movement regarding the impending vaping lawsuit, we can’t rely on politicians to make everything right all of the time. The point is that something is going to need to happen. Above all else, those in the vaping industry need to take responsibility for their own actions. The experienced legal team at the Law Offices of Caputo & Mariotti are here to help. For over 55 years, Caputo & Mariotti has sought justice for those who need it the most. Contact us now if you or someone you know is a current or former vaper.
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