
The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti

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attorney and client Pennsylvania

Your Rights Vs. Insurance Companies

November 11, 2021

Did you know that Pennsylvania Law allows individuals to sue insurance companies for claim denials? They can be sued for claims handling as well. In order to do this, the individual must prove that the insurer’s claim evaluation was less than honest, intelligent, and objective. Another way is for the individual to prove that the…

how to choose a personal injury lawyer

How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer

August 31, 2021

If you’re wondering how to choose a personal injury lawyer that is qualified and capable of representing you in court, we’ve created this helpful informational piece just for you. Many people find themselves in need of an attorney when they least expect it, especially when they’ve been hurt. Everywhere you look their commercials and billboards…

Caputo & Mariotti paralegal webinar

Paralegal N’Kessia Vaughn to be a Featured Panelist During Connectionology Webinar

May 20, 2021

Caputo & Mariotti is pleased to announce that Paralegal N’Kessia Vaughn will be a featured panelist during the next Connectionology webinar on Wednesday, June 16 at 3 pm. Entitled “Paralegal LAWboratory: The Paralegal’s Role In Preparing the Attorney for Deposition, Mediation, Arbitration and Trial,” the free webinar is exclusively for plaintiff paralegals and legal assistants.…

vaping lawsuit

Vaping Lawsuit Update: Juul CEO Says, “Don’t Vape. Don’t Use Juul.”

October 14, 2019

In the past couple of months, lots of information has come out about just how dangerous vaping really is. Six people have died due to vaping related illnesses, more illnesses are being linked to vaping, and there’s an appetite to get justice in the form of a vaping lawsuit or other vaping legal action. This…

18 wheeler accidents

Increase in 18-Wheeler Accidents

April 4, 2019

With approximately more than 2 million 18-wheelers driving along U.S. highways, the number of crashes involving large trucks is on the rise. These “accidents” are usually found to be more than just accidents, usually with one party at fault due to a number of factors including fatigue, distraction, and prescription drug use. 18-wheelers have accounted…

nursing home injury

Nursing Home Injury Risk

April 4, 2019

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recently found that 79 percent more nursing home patients have longer stays or require transfers to more acute facilities due to adverse events. The 2014 report, “Adverse Events in Skilled Nursing Facilities: National Incidence Among Medicare Beneficiaries” uncovers that the Medicare expenditures for skilled nursing facilities are…

accidents involving brain injury

Accidents Involving Traumatic Brain Injuries

April 4, 2019

Not all injuries are easily seen. A traumatic brain injury is one of the most serious internal injuries than an individual can incur. Of the multitude of individuals who suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury each year, approximately 75% complete a path of recovery that allows them to return to their chosen career or level of schooling.…

hurt at work

Product Liability On-the-Job

April 4, 2019

It’s your right to be employed and work in a safe environment, and unfortunately, for many individuals, their working environments just aren’t as safe as they should be. Avoiding accidents at all costs should be the primary goal of any business, no matter what the industry is. Creating a safe working environment is essential for…

defective tires

The Impact of Defective Tires

April 4, 2019

When you have new tires put on your vehicle, they need to be safe … not add potential risk when you and your family are driving. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that the tires on your car may have a defect that you’re unaware of, which is why it is extremely important to monitor and…

risks of antidepressants

The Risks of Antidepressants

April 4, 2019

There are many types of antidepressants to help treat depression. Some of the more popular SSRI-antidepressants include brands such as Paxil, Prozac, Luvox, Celexa, and Lexapro. Many individuals who suffer from depression use these SSRI’s to successfully treat their symptoms so that they can continue to enjoy normal lives. As many patients experience different levels…