The dedicated legal team of Caputo & Mariotti
Auto Accident Lawyers in Pennsylvania
Every 11 seconds, another person is injured in a car accident in the United States. Auto accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury and can be one of the most frightening and stressful events in a person’s lifetime. The effects of a car crash can be permanent, with many ending in death.
Injured survivors and families of deceased victims must contend with the resulting medical bills and mental stress. They may also have to manage permanent or temporary physical disabilities, frequently resulting in lost work hours. Rehabilitation, which can be very costly, is often necessary to help a victim regain the quality of life he or she had before the accident. Car accidents can change the lives of victims and their families forever.
If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a Pennsylvania car accident, the experienced attorneys at Caputo & Mariotti can help you gain the compensation you deserve. We have been successfully representing clients for over 25 years in locations all over Pennsylvania.
You are welcome to read all of the information below, but, if you’d like a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, please call us at 570-342-9999 or fill out our online contact form.
Many different factors can cause a car accident, including:
- Bad weather
- Fatigued drivers
- Drunk driving
- Driving under the influence of drugs
- Faulty traffic lights
- Blocked traffic signs
- Driving far above or below the speed limit
- Drivers distracted by their passenger, phone, radio, texting or cell phone use.
- Driver failure to obey common traffic laws
Many factors beyond these can cause auto accidents. The most common reason, however, is driver negligence. Many drivers frequently pay more attention to their surroundings than their own driving. By doing this, these drivers increase the likelihood that they will cause an accident and possibly significant physical injury to other drivers.
Common Injuries Resulting From Car Accidents Include:
- Brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Neck injury
- Back injury
- Head injury
- Knee injury
- Shoulder injury
- Elbow injury
- Wrist injury
- Broken bones
- Burns
- Sciatic injuries
- Ligament, tendon, and muscle tears
- Death
- Paralysis
- Herniated Disk
A person’s movements become significantly limited and can be very painful. It is clear that many auto accident injuries can have a significant impact on a victim’s ability to work and make a living. Injuries can often harm victims’ relationships with friends and family, and inhibit their ability to engage in activities they used to enjoy. Car accidents can also leave victims without transportation.
Even a minor accident can trigger painful soft-tissue injuries. Although soft-tissue injuries may not appear immediately after the accident, swelling, inflammation, and pain can appear afterward. These soft-tissue injuries can create a vicious cycle of pain limiting a victim’s ability to fully participate in daily life.
Caputo & Mariotti understands all the negative consequences car accidents can have on victims and their loved ones. We know how insurance companies work and all the requirements of law. Many factual and legal issues can result from car accident cases. Insurers may also dispute injury claims and whether those injuries reduce the capacity of a victim to earn a living. If you have been injured in an auto accident, you can rely on Caputo & Mariotti to help you get what you deserve!
You are welcome to read all of the information below, but, if you’d like a free, legal auto accident consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, please call us at 570-342-9999, or fill out our online contact form.